The Foundation to Your Cat’s Health
No matter how careful we are with our cats, it’s important to protect them from common diseases with these vaccines recommended by AAFP.*
*American Association of Feline Practitioners

No matter how careful we are with our cats, it’s important to protect them from common diseases with these vaccines recommended by AAFP.*
*American Association of Feline Practitioners
The RCP, or FVRCP vaccine, protects against a series of highly contagious viruses that are often spread through close contact with other cats. In some cases, these diseases may be life-threatening but are easily prevented with regular vaccinations.
FeLV is a contagious virus, spread from cat to cat through saliva, blood, feces, or urine, that may ultimately lead to feline leukemia, a deadly form of cancer. Cats can get it from mutual grooming, fighting, or sharing food and water dishes. There is no cure for FeLV in cats.
Fever, loss of appetite, upper respiratory tract infections, or very few symptoms at all before tumors are formed.
Supportive care, such as minimizing stress, proper nutrition, and treating secondary conditions as they occur.
Rabies is easily spread to family members and can often be fatal in cats. Once your pet is infected, there are no treatment options available.