Solensia™ Can Help Get Your Cat Back To Their "Normal"
Hear the real experiences of vets and pet owners like yourself and their success with Solensia.

Hear the real experiences of vets and pet owners like yourself and their success with Solensia.
In a study, 77% of cat owners reported improvement in signs of pain1* for cats treated with Solensia.
*77% of cat owners reported improvement in signs of pain when their cats were treated monthly with Solensia in a 3-month study. 67% of cat owners experienced improvement in signs of their cat’s pain in the placebo group.
IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: See full Prescribing Information. For use in cats only. Women who are pregnant, trying to conceive or breastfeeding should take extreme care to avoid self-injection. Allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, could potentially occur with self-injection. Solensia should not be used in breeding cats or in pregnant or lactating queens. Solensia should not be administered to cats with known allergy to frunevetmab. The most common adverse events reported in a clinical study were vomiting and injection site pain.
INDICATION: For the control of pain associated with osteoarthritis in cats.